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Killer Dill est un film américain de genre Comédie réalisé par Lewis D. Collins avec Stuart Erwin

Killer Dill (1947)

Killer Dill
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Durée 1h15
Réalisé par
Genres Comédie,    Policier
Note54% 2.7216752.7216752.7216752.7216752.721675

Killer Dill is a 1947 American film directed by Lewis D. Collins set in 1931 during the Prohibition Era.


Low key lingerie salesman Johnny Dill loses his girlfriend Judy Parker to his longtime friend, the charming lawyer William T. Allen. And when he takes his assistant Millie Gardner to a movie, all she talks about is the manly gangster hero Big Nick Moronie. Discouraged by the fact that every woman seems to want something completely different from what he has to offer, Johnny decides to change his ways and become more of a tough gangster himself to improve his chances. He drops into a bar and plays out his new act in full, succeeding in upsetting the real Big Nick Moronie, who is considered to be "public enemy number 21" on the ranking.


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