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Kilómetro 111 est un film de genre Drame réalisé par Mario Soffici avec Delia Garcés

Kilómetro 111 (1938)

Kilómetro 111
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Durée 1h43
Réalisé par
Genres Drame
Note68% 3.423043.423043.423043.423043.42304

Kilómetro 111 is a 1938 Argentine musical film drama directed by Mario Soffici. The film premiered in Buenos Aires.

The film is one of several films directed by Soffici which address the social evils of historical Argentina. The film is based on Carlos Olivari's play La tercera invasion inglesa (1936), which is a fictional semi-documentary of the British railroad monopoly. The film is set in a town in central Argentina and documents the tragedy of the poverty-stricken rural farmers who are forced to sell their harvest to the railroad developers. In an attempt to avoid being exploited, the farmers send their wheat to Buenos Aires, where they unsuccessfully fail to obtain a bank loan. In the end it is down to the generosity of the station master that they are able to use the new line to transport their goods, although his generosity means that he is fired from his job.


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Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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