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Kungliga patrasket est un film de genre Drame réalisé par Hasse Ekman avec Edvin Adolphson

Kungliga patrasket (1945)

Kungliga patrasket
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Durée 1h57
Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Comédie
Note66% 3.3240053.3240053.3240053.3240053.324005

Kungliga patrasket (English: The Royal Rabble) is a 1945 Swedish drama film directed by Hasse Ekman. Ekman was inspired by his father, Gösta Ekman and the Barrymore family.


The film circles around the Anker family who are all actors work together at Stefan Ankers theatre, Kungsteatern, in Stockholm.


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Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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