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Kurishuyudham est un film réalisé par A. G. Baby avec Prem Nazir

Kurishuyudham (1984)

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Réalisé par
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Kurishuyudham is a 1984 Indian Malayalam film, directed by Baby and produced by C Radhamani. The film stars Prem Nazir, Madhu, Srividya and Mohanlal in lead roles. The film had musical score by KJ Joy.


Prem Nazir


(Matthew Cheriyachan)


Madhavi Alladurgam

(Susie, Daisy (double role))
Bande annonce de Kurishuyudham

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Source : Wikidata


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Il y a 1378 films ayant les mêmes acteurs, 27 films avec le même réalisateur, pour avoir au final 70 suggestions de films similaires.

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Lisa (1978)

Réalisé par A. G. Baby
Genres Drame, Horreur
Acteurs Prem Nazir, Jayan, Jose Prakash, Ravikumar, Premji, Vidhubala
Note64% 3.2282953.2282953.2282953.2282953.228295
A village girl comes to city for work and stays in a hostel. One day as she is back from work, she enters her room to finds ghost of a black cat falling on her in the darkness transferring her into a modern city girl called Lisa.