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Lisa est un film de genre Drame réalisé par A. G. Baby avec Prem Nazir

Lisa (1978)

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Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Horreur
Note64% 3.2282953.2282953.2282953.2282953.228295

Lisa is a 1978 Malayalam-language Indian film, directed by Baby (also known as A.G. Baby) and produced by Dhanya Productions. Considered one of the best horror and musical flicks in Malayalam, with music from K.J. Joy.


A village girl comes to city for work and stays in a hostel. One day as she is back from work, she enters her room to finds ghost of a black cat falling on her in the darkness transferring her into a modern city girl called Lisa.


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Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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Réalisé par A. G. Baby
Acteurs Vidhubala, Jayan, Vanchiyoor Radha, Philomina, Prathapachandran Nair, Pala Thankam

Radha (Vidhubala) is a struggling drama artist living in a hut with her mentally unstable mother. Raghu (Jayan) is a recently widowed bank manager working in the same town. Raghu has a baby daughter who is being taken care by his in-laws who refuse to give him the custody of the child until he remarries. Raghu hatches a plan to get the custody of his baby daughter. He approaches Radha with a proposal to act as his wife for a few days in return of 3000 Rs.