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L'Équipée du Cannonball est un film américain de genre Comédie réalisé par Hal Needham sorti en France le 8 juillet 1981 avec Burt Reynolds

L'Équipée du Cannonball (1981)

The Cannonball Run

L'Équipée du Cannonball
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Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Of course you know certain skeptics note that perhaps 10,000 of the nations' most elite highway patrolmen are out there waiting for us after we start, but let's stay positively: Think of the fact that there's not one state in the 50 that has the death penalty for speeding... although I'm not so sure about Ohio.


Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Fenderbaum: We've got a secret weapon. God is our co-pilot!
The Geek: You'll need him!
Jamie Blake: *God* is our co-pilot?
Fenderbaum: Uh huh...
Jamie Blake: Remember our car?
Fenderbaum: Uh huh...
Jamie Blake: Two seats?
Fenderbaum: Two seats...
Jamie Blake: Where's he gonna sit? [smack] Where's he gonna sit? [smack]

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Fenderbaum: Why'd he call me Shorty?
Jamie Blake: 'Cause you're small. Small. S - M - all.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook The Sheik: My driving is rivaled only by the lightning bolts from the heavens!
[thunder crashes]
Shiek's Sister: So you still intend to enter the race with the infidel Americans?
The Sheik: The Cannonball will fall to the forces of Islam! [thunder crashes] My dear sister! I swear it!

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Mr. Foyt: Terrorists my dimpled ass! These people make terrorists look like the Sisters of Charity! These guys are Cannonballers!
Pamela Glover: What is that? A bowling team?

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Mr. Foyt: Well, how do you all feel now you have raped the American highways?
J.J. McClure: Beautiful!

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook J.J. McClure: Thanks to you, Victor, we do not have a female patient in the back.
Victor Prinsi: Well, it's not my fault that she didn't fit in the stretcher!
J.J. McClure: She doesn't fit in the AMBULANCE!

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook [finding the men's room locked, Van Helsing follows Pamela into the women's room]
Pamela Glover: Wait a minute, you can't come in here.
Doctor Nikolas Van Helsing: Madam, not to be indelicate but in my profession; if you've seen one, you've seen them all.
Pamela Glover: Oh, okay.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Fenderbaum: [Fenderbaum and Blake's Ferrari drives alongside J.J.'s ambulance] Pull over! We want to give you our blessing!
Victor Prinsi: J.J., there are two priest in that car. They want us to pull over.
J.J. McClure: Victor, that's two priests driving a Ferrari. When's the last time you saw two priests drive a Ferrari? What are they doing, taking home the bingo money?
Victor Prinsi: No, they're doing the work of the Lord. In a Ferrari, they can just do it faster.

Facebook Partager la citation sur facebook Fenderbaum: [noticing Blake acting oddly at bar] What is it?
Jamie Blake: Look at the chicks! Boy, if they were Methodists, what a shot we could have had of getting laid right here.
[guy at bar overhearing spits his drink out]