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La Douloureuse Étape est un film américain réalisé par William Desmond Taylor sorti en France le 3 aout 1923 avec Ethel Clayton

La Douloureuse Étape (1921)


La Douloureuse Étape
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Sortie en France 3 aout 1923
Durée 50minutes

La Douloureuse Étape (titre original : Wealth) est un film muet américain réalisé par William D. Taylor, sorti en 1921.


Ethel Clayton

(Mary McLeod)
Herbert Rawlinson

(Phillip Dominick)
Larry Steers

(Oliver Marshall)
George Periolat

(Irving Seaton)
Claire McDowell

(M Dominick)
Jean Acker

(Estelle Rolland)
Bande annonce de La Douloureuse Étape

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Source : Wikidata


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Note53% 2.6915052.6915052.6915052.6915052.691505
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Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame
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Big Timber
Big Timber (1917)

Réalisé par William Desmond Taylor
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Romance
Acteurs Wallace Reid, Kathlyn Williams, Joe King, Alfred Paget, Helen Bray, John Burton

As described in a film magazine review, after the death of her father leaves Stella Benton (Williams) without a home, she goes to live with her brother Charlie (Paget) in the timber regions. The roughness of her surroundings proves a burden to Stella, and when Jack Fife (Reid), who loves her, asks her to marry him, she accepts even through she does not love him. Jack tries to win his bride's love, but to no avail. Finally, she goes to the city to try and forget her unhappy married life. She becomes infatuated with Walter Monahan (King), but after she sees him at a cafe with another woman, she realizes his fickleness, and her love for Jack comes to the surface. She returns to the timber regions where she is happily received by her husband.