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La Passerelle est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par Frank Reicher avec Fannie Ward

La Passerelle (1916)

La Passerelle
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Durée 50minutes
Réalisé par
Genres Drame

La Passerelle (titre original :For the Defense) est un film muet américain réalisé par Frank Reicher et sorti en 1916.


Fannie Ward

(Fidele Roget)
Horace B. Carpenter

Camille Astor

James Neill

(Mr Webster)
Bande annonce de La Passerelle

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Il y a 54 films ayant les mêmes acteurs, 22 films avec le même réalisateur, 61308 ayant les mêmes genres cinématographiques, pour avoir au final 70 suggestions de films similaires.

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The Eternal Mother, 50minutes
Réalisé par Frank Reicher
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame
Acteurs Ethel Barrymore, Charles Sutton, Louis Wolheim, Maxine Elliott Hicks

As described in a film magazine, Maris (Barrymore) endeavors to persuade her husband Dwight Alden (Mills) to replace the children working in his mills with man and women, but Alden does not listen to his wife's pleas. One night a little girl is injured and Maris, calling on her, discovers that she is her own daughter from a previous marriage whom she thought was dead. She finds that her former husband, whom she also believed to be dead, is still living. Maris returns to her home, unable to forget her little girl. When the girl runs away from her father and comes to Maris, Maris leaves Alden, explaining her reasons in a letter. Alden learns that Maris' former husband secured a divorce so that he might marry another woman. With this evidence, and after clearing his factories of child workers, Alden goes to Maris and begs her and her child to return home with him.
Dans le piège, 50minutes
Réalisé par Frank Reicher
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Romance
Acteurs Olive Tell, Sidney Mason, Rod La Rocque, Tallulah Bankhead

Based upon a summary in a film publication, Jean (Tell) teaches school at a settlement in Alaska and is loved by brothers Ned (Austin) and Steve Fallon (Schenck), whom Jean prefers. Ned and Jean's father Henry Carson go gold prospecting, while Steve spends his time gambling. Jean gets married to Steve in a ceremony witnessed by "Doc" Sloan (La Rocque). After Jean then becomes depressed by her husband's drunken ways, Steve boasts that he has a wife in Seattle, so she leaves. Jean's father returns having had no luck, but Ned returns having found a rich claim. Ned insists on deeding half of the claim to Jean as reward for her support, and professes to love her. She then confesses what happened with Steve. New York broker Bruce Graham (Mason) arrives on business and becomes infatuated with Jean. Word then comes that Jean's sister Helen in New York is ill, so Jean and her father leave, and Bruce accompanies them. Ned hears that his brother Steve was shot during a brawl in a nearby town. In New York, Jean learns that Steve died in the fight. Jean and Bruce decide to marry, and Bruce refuses to let Jean tell him about her and Steve, saying no man should concern himself of his wife's previous life if he loves her. Years pass, and Jean is happy with two children while Ned has become successful with his mine and opened an office in New York. "Doc" Sloan under an alias has become acquainted with Helen (Bankhead), and at a party at the Graham home recognizes Jean as a woman he saw married in Alaska. He then attempts to blackmail her, saying that not only is Steve alive and that she is committing bigamy, but that he plans to tell her husband that the man she had an affair with is Ned. She goes to Ned, who tells her that he personally buried his brother Steve. Ned has a meeting with Sloan designed as a trap to get evidence of the blackmail, but Sloan pulls a gun on Ned. There is a gunshot, Sloan is dead, Ned picks up the gun and fires additional shots, including one into his own arm. Ned is arrested for the murder but says it was self-defense. When Bruce becomes suspicious of his wife due to the payments from Ned, Jean tells the whole story, including how it was she who shot Sloan at the meeting. Ned is later acquitted at trial.
The Trouble Buster, 50minutes
Réalisé par Frank Reicher
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame
Acteurs Vivian Martin, James Neill, Charles West, Vera Lewis

As described in a film magazine, after the death of her father, Michelna (Martin) is threatened with being sent to an orphan's asylum. She escapes and becomes the companion of "Blackie" Moyle (Willis), a newsboy. Donning his clothes she too sells newspapers. One night she is lured to a flat by Tip Morgan (West), a crook. Blackie rescues her, but in the struggle is blinded. Michelna has a statue that she has made and calls the Trouble Buster. She takes it to an art exhibit and it gains immediate favor. Blackie is given the credit for the statue, and with the money from the statue is able to get an operation which restores his sight. Michelna has taken an abode with some suburban folks where she works as the maid. One day while she is paying Tip some "silence" money, Blackie enters the scene, drives Tip away, and declares his love for her.