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Law and Order est un film américain de genre Western réalisé par Ray Taylor avec John Mack Brown

Law and Order (1940)

Law and Order
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Durée 57minutes
Réalisé par
Genres Western
Note60% 3.045753.045753.045753.045753.04575

Law and Order is a 1940 American film directed by Ray Taylor.


At the beginning of the film, Bill Ralston arrests a bad cowboy named Deadwood and takes him to Judge Williams. Ralston returns to his girl, Sally Dixon, before she is shot in the chest 8 times by Brant, a goon of Deadwood's, and Poe Daggett, an old enemy of Ralston. Ralston shoots Daggett in the knee, and the two run away into the saloon. He sees all of his friends including Sheriff Fin Elder at the Saloon, and they sing him a song. Then Daggett comes behind the Sheriff and tries to kill him, but Poe's brother, Walt, stops him from doing it. Everyone gets into a big fight, and in the end, the only survivors are Bill Ralston and Sheriff Fin Elder.


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Source : Wikidata


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