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The Vanishing Rider est un film américain de genre Western réalisé par Ray Taylor avec William Desmond

The Vanishing Rider (1928)

The Vanishing Rider
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Réalisé par
Genres Western
Note28% 1.443271.443271.443271.443271.44327

The Vanishing Rider is a 1928 Western film serial directed by Ray Taylor and featuring William Desmond and Ethlyne Clair. Boris Karloff was also in the cast. The film is now considered to be lost.


William Desmond

(Jim Davis / The Vanishing Rider)
Ethlyne Clair

(Mary Allen)
Nelson McDowell

(Pop Smith)
Bud Osborne

(Butch Bradley)
Boris Karloff

(The Villain)
Bande annonce de The Vanishing Rider

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Source : Wikidata


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