The Swan Princess: A Royal Family Tale is a 2014 American computer-animated family/fantasy film produced by Crest Animation Productions and Nest Family Entertainment, directed by Richard Rich and starring the voices of Elle Deets as Odette and Yuri Lowenthal as Derek. It is the fifth and latest film in The Swan Princess series, and follows Odette and Derek's adoption of a young girl named Alise along with their defeating the Forbidden Arts. It was released direct-to-DVD and Blu-ray on February 25, 2014 for the franchise's 20th anniversary.Synopsis
Juliette et Arthur rencontrent une petite fille, devenue orpheline au cours d’un événement tragique. Alors que la petite fille se lie d’amitié avec le prince et la princesse, elle est kidnappée par d’étranges petites créatures, les Scullions…