The Saint in New York is an American 1938 crime film, directed by Ben Holmes and adapted from Leslie Charteris's novel of the same name by Charles Kaufman and Mortimer Offner. Released by RKO Pictures, The Saint in New York marks the first screen appearance of Simon Templar - "The Saint". Louis Hayward stars as the titular character, with Kay Sutton as his love interest. Hayward would not play The Saint again until 1953 after being replaced by George Sanders.
The New York police department enlists gentleman criminal Simon Templar to fight criminal elements in the city after a police officer is killed. This was the first of eight films in RKO's film series about The Saint. Alfred Hitchcock was initially discussed as a possible director.Synopsis
Le Saint est chargé par le "Comité contre le Crime", un groupe de citoyens influents qui ne supportent plus de voir New York sous la coupe de la pègre, de rechercher l'identité d'un certain Big Fellow, un redoutable gangster new-yorkais.