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Little Sinner est un film américain de genre Comédie réalisé par Gus Meins avec George McFarland

Little Sinner (1935)

Little Sinner
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Réalisé par
Genres Comédie
Note72% 3.600333.600333.600333.600333.60033

Little Sinner is a 1935 Our Gang short comedy film directed by Gus Meins. It was the 139th Our Gang short to be released.


Anxious to go fishing, Spanky skips out of Sunday school, despite the admonitions of his pals Alfalfa, Mildred, Sidney, and Marianne that "Something's going to happen to you." Actually, everything happens to Spanky and his kid brother (Eugene "Porky" Lee) in the course of the morning. Chased out of a private estate by cantankerous caretaker, the two boys wander into a dark, mysterious woods just as an eclipse occurs and at the same time a large group of black worshippers are holding a mass baptism ceremony. Some now insist on seeing the baptism and background singing of the Negro spiritual "I am leaning on the Lord", which contains the words: "Why don't you come out of the wilderness" as a racist stereotype. They miss the point that this story had a religious casting, Spanky skipping church, and going into the "wilderness". At worst it is an internal pun on the plot. The song is performed well and was most likely not intended to denigrate anyone.


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Suggestions de films similaires à Little Sinner

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Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
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Origine Etats-Unis
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Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Thèmes Films pour enfants
Acteurs George McFarland, Carl Switzer, Billie "Buckwheat" Thomas, Leonard Kibrick, Scotty Beckett, Harold "Slim" Switzer
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Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Thèmes Films pour enfants
Acteurs George McFarland, Billie "Buckwheat" Thomas, Stymie Beard, Scotty Beckett, Leonard Kibrick, Jerry Tucker
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Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
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Acteurs George McFarland, Scotty Beckett, Stymie Beard, Jerry Tucker, Marianne Edwards, Leonard Kibrick
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