London (1926) is a British silent film, directed by Herbert Wilcox and starring Dorothy Gish. The film was adapted by Wilcox from a short story by popular author Thomas Burke. The British Film Institute considers this to be a lost film.Synopsis
Mavis Hogan (Gish) lives with her uncaring aunt (Margaret Yarde) in a squalid Limehouse tenement. Her beauty attracts the attention of an unsavoury Chinese man (Gibb McLaughlin), whose intentions are encouraged by the aunt. While wandering around Limehouse, she is spotted by an artist (Adelqui Migliar) who is in the area sketching East End scenes and people. He persuades her to allow him to sketch her portrait, which he later puts on display in his West End studio. The portrait is seen by Lady Arbourfield (Daisy Campbell), who notices a remarkable resemblance to her own daughter, now deceased.