Lovers, Liars & Lunatics is an independent American motion picture written, produced and directed by Amber Benson. It was scheduled to be released on DVD via Benson Entertainment in September 2006, but due to technical difficulties the release was rescheduled to November.
Much like with her first self-produced film, Chance, Benson appealed to her fans for donations to help finance the production, including offering personal and signed items for bid at online auctions and selling special edition Tara action figures to raise money. Fans were also solicited for suggested titles for the project initially called "The Dirty Script," and Lovers, Liars & Lunatics was eventually selected from the many entries.
Benson turned to several friends to act in the film, including Christine Estabrook, James Leary (Clem, Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Michael Muhney (Don Lamb, Veronica Mars), and Rayder Woods. Benson herself co-stars in the production.
Dubbed "a convoluted story of lust, deception and accidental murder," this black dramedy plans to hit the film festival circuit before going into wider release.Synopsis
"Lovers, Liars and Lunatics" est une comédie sombre et loufoque sur une famille névrosée de banlieue qui est prise en otage chez elle par deux cambrioleurs incompétents. Ce n'est qu'au fur et à mesure que la nuit avance que nous nous rendons compte que les machinations machiavéliques de la famille entraînent de plus en plus les cambrioleurs dans leurs infâmes schémas familiaux, jusqu'à ce que la réalité se brouille et que nous ne sachions plus pour qui nous devrions nous enraciner: la famille, ou le cambrioleurs.