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Maa Baap Ki Laaj est un film réalisé par Nanabhai Bhatt avec Nazir

Maa Baap Ki Laaj (1946)

Maa Baap Ki Laaj
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Maa Baap Ki Laaj is a Bollywood film. It was released in 1946.

^ "-". Retrieved 25 April 2013.

^ Rajadhyaksha, Ashish; Willemen, Paul (1999). Encyclopaedia of Indian cinema. British Film Institute. Retrieved 25 April 2013.


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Source : Wikidata


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Acteurs Fearless Nadia, Yakub, Agha
Note58% 2.932312.932312.932312.932312.93231
Madhuri and Rani (Baby Madhuri) are twin sisters whose parents, Seth Dinanath and Radha, are shot in front of them by their mother’s rejected suitor Shivnath (Dalpat). The mother dies and the father is kept prisoner by Shivnath who also kidnaps Rani. Madhuri is found wandering by a rich man Rai Bahadur, who takes her home and adopts her. Several years pass and Madhuri (Fearless Nadia) is enjoying her life in luxury. She has a dog called Gunboat who accompanies her everywhere. She finds out about her parents and sees Rani dance at a nightclub. She vows vengeance and soon the sisters along with two friends (Yakub and Agha) fight their way to the gangster and free their father.
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