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Manushyabandhangal (1972)

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Manushyabandhangal is a 1972 Indian Malayalam film, directed by Crossbelt Mani . The film stars Prem Nazir, Madhu, Sheela and Jayabharathi in lead roles. The film had musical score by V. Dakshinamoorthy.


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Acteurs Prem Nazir, Madhu, Sheela, Philomina, Bahadoor, Adoor Bhasi

Jabbar (Prem Nazir) marries Zubaida (Ambika) against the wish of his mother (Philomina) who had plans to bring her niece Safia (Sheela) as her son's bride. Zubaida is accused of being infertile by her mother-in-law and other members of the family.