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Max Havoc: Curse Of The Dragon est un film de genre Art martial réalisé par Albert Pyun avec Mickey Hardt

Max Havoc: Curse Of The Dragon (2004)

Max Havoc: Curse Of The Dragon
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Durée 1h30
Réalisé par
Genres Art martial,    Action,    Wuxiapian
Themes La mer,    Sport,    Transport,    Arts martiaux,    Yakuza,    Gangsters
Note34% 1.723291.723291.723291.723291.72329

Max Havoc: Curse of The Dragon is a straight-to-DVD action film directed by Albert Pyun and Isaac Florentine on the island of Guam in 2004. Swiss actor Mickey Hardt plays Max Havoc, an ex-kickboxer turned sports photographer. Max has to help an art dealer and her sister, played by Joanna Krupa and Tawney Sabley, flee from a yakuza clan trying to retrieve a valuable jade dragon statue. Aimed at the European market, the film was planned to kickstart a franchise, which would have included a sequel and a syndicated television series in the United States, but these plans did not materialize. A sequel, Max Havoc: Ring of Fire, was eventually shot in Canada.

The film was originally slated to be directed in Hawaii, but a series of mishaps led to filming on Guam. Most of the film was shot there by Pyun, including a cameo by Carmen Electra. A smaller part was added by Florentine to improve the film's marketability, including added cameos by David Carradine and Richard Roundtree. It premiered on Guam in 2005 and on DVD in 2007, earning around US$250 000. Most critics reviews were negative, chiding the plot, casting and the cliché portrayal of Guam, but some praised fight choreography and the "so bad it's good" value.

Max Havoc: Curse of the Dragon has garnered press through lawsuits regarding its financing. Guam Economic Development and Commerce Authority (GEDCA) gave a $800,000 loan guarantee to producer John F. S. Laing, which was forfeited as the film failed to recoup the investment. GEDCA alleged Laing defrauded them, while he claimed Guam authorities promised him funding he did not receive. This kicked off a lengthy legal battle, ending with a settlement between Laing and GEDCA.


The story centers around Max Havoc (Mickey Hardt), an ex-kickboxing champion known as "Mad Max", turned globetrotting sports photographer. Max quit kickboxing after accidentally killing a fellow boxer during an unlikely comeback in the ring, but still suffers from flashbacks to the fight. After a bar scuffle over a biker girl (Nikki Ziering), his agent (Diego Walraff) sends him to Guam for a publicity photo shoot. There, Max encounters Tahsi (Richard Roundtree), his former kickboxing coach, now an antiques dealer, and promises to catch up with him later. While photographing an outrigger canoe race from a jet ski, Max rescues Christy Goody (Tawney Sablan), a vacationer who was about to be unwittingly run over by the canoes. In the process, he knocks over one of the canoes, earning the wrath its head rower, Moko (Pyun veteran Vincent Klyn). He is also admonished by Jane (Joanna Krupa), Christy's sister, for his brazen driving. However, she later apologizes and agrees to a dinner date.


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Source : Wikidata


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