Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon is a documentary film about pop singer Michael Jackson produced by his friend, David Gest. The film features footage of the beginning of The Jackson 5, Jackson's solo career and the child molestation accusations made against him. It also has interviews with Jackson's mother, Katherine, and siblings, Tito and Rebbie Jackson, as well as other artists—who were inspired by him and had met him before his death—including Whitney Houston, Smokey Robinson and Dionne Warwick. The film was released on DVD and Blu-ray on November 2, 2011.Synopsis
La vie du King of Pop était marquée par des hauts et des bas. A l’aide d’images exclusives et inédites d’interviews uniques avec les gens qui le connaissaient le mieux – sa mère Katherine, son frère Tito et sa sœur Rebbie – ce film raconte toute son histoire. Le producteur David Gest présente le portrait définitif de son meilleur ami, Michael Jackson, du point de vue de sa famille, de ses amies et de légendes musicales comme Smokey Robinson, Dionne Warwick, Nick Ashford & Valerie Simpson, et beaucoup d’autres.