Minsan Pa (One Moment More) is a 2004 Filipino indie drama film directed by Jeffrey Jeturian, and written by Armando Lao. It stars Jomari Yllana, Ara Mina and Christian Vasquez. The film was critically acclaimed and garnered numerous awards in the Philippines. With a soundtrack by Arnel de Pano and Lucien Letaba, the song Minsan itself was performed by Jonathan Badon. The film was produced by lawyer Joji Alonso under the MLR Films studio.
^ "Is Pops leaving GMA 7?(Entertainment)". Manila Bulletin via HighBeam Research (subscription required). 9 October 2004. Retrieved 7 June 2012.Synopsis
Jerry is a wide-awake tourist guide in Cebu who knows all the angles, and who has supported his divorced mother and younger brother and sister since their musician father deserted the family for a younger woman. Jerry guides tour buses, taking the mostly Japanese tourists boating, golfing and to strip shows.