My House Husband: Ikaw Na! (or simply My House Husband) is a 2011 comedy drama film directed by José Javier Reyes that stars Judy Ann Santos and Ryan Agoncillo (who are married in real life), including Eugene Domingo. It was an official entry for the 2011 Metro Manila Film Festival and was released on December 25, 2011.Synopsis
The story revolves around a married couple, Mia (Judy Ann Santos) and Rod (Ryan Agoncillo), who have a bunch of problems and endless arguments. Since then Rod has resigned from his job and made Mia find another one, while he takes charge of household chores and their children. With Mia always away, Rod meets their new neighbor named Aida (Eugene Domingo), and the two develop a friendship. Will Mia know about this? If she does, how are they going to solve it?