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Nacidos para cantar (1965)

Nacidos para cantar
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Nacidos para cantar is a 1965 Argentine film.


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Sor Ye-yé
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Genres Comédie, Musical
Acteurs Enrique Guzmán, Sara García, Manuel Gil, Lina Canalejas, Norma Mora, Fanny Schiller
Note60% 3.0392653.0392653.0392653.0392653.039265
María (Hilda Aguirre) is a young orfant woman who lives with her wealthy aunt (Margot Cottens). María uses to sing in a night club along with her friends (who have a rock band named "Los Yakis Voladores"), and enjoys the night with them. One of her friends, Ernesto (Enrique Guzmán), is in love with her, although she doesn't seem to share the same feelings towards him. In fact, her multiple existential questions and a strange emptyness she feels in her life make her suddenly decide entering in a convent as a novice, breaking Ernesto's heart. However, with her happy, open and rebel nature, she doesn't seem to accustom herself to the life at the convent, and she has bigger problems with the novice headmistress, who uses to chastise her trying to lead her in the right direction. At the convent, which also works as a hospital for children, she meets a doctor (Manuel Gil) and she doesn't along with him because of the contrast between their personalities, although they have a mutual liking and respect in their own way.