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Nets of Destiny est un film de genre Drame avec Stewart Rome

Nets of Destiny (1924)

Nets of Destiny
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Genres Drame,    Aventure
Note57% 2.8575552.8575552.8575552.8575552.857555

Nets of Destiny is a 1924 British drama film directed by Arthur Rooke and starring Stewart Rome, Mary Odette and Gertrude McCoy. It was an adaptation of the novel The Salving of a Derelict by Maurice Drake. A son tries to overturn the disgrace of his father who committed suicide.



Stewart Rome

(Lawrence Averil)
Mary Odette

(Marion Graham)
Gertrude McCoy

Cameron Carr

Bande annonce de Nets of Destiny

Bluray, DVD

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Source : Wikidata


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