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New York Street Games est un film américain de genre Documentaire avec Keith David

New York Street Games (2010)

New York Street Games
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Durée 1h16
Note82% 4.133224.133224.133224.133224.13322

New York Street Games is a 2010 documentary film directed by Matt Levy about children's games played by kids in New York City for centuries. The games are fondly remembered by people who grew up in the city. Current and historical documentary footage shows children playing these games, interspersed with scenes of celebrities discussing their own childhood experiences playing these games on the streets of New York. The story is brought to the present with discussions of the current role of street games and opinions as to what kids lose by not having the freedom to play without adult supervision, most importantly the social skills developed when kids could play in the streets.


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Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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