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Quick Millions est un film américain de genre Comédie réalisé par Malcolm St. Clair avec Jed Prouty

Quick Millions (1939)

Quick Millions
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Durée 1h2
Réalisé par
Genres Comédie
Note53% 2.694782.694782.694782.694782.69478

see also Quick Millions (1931 film)

Quick Millions is a 1939 American comedy film, one of the series of seventeen Jones Family films beginning with Every Saturday Night (1936) and ending with On Their Own (1940). Spring Byington appeared in all seventeen; Jed Prouty in all but the last one.

In this entry the Joneses are convinced they've bought the Grand Canyon. This is one of the two Jones Family films with gags and a story line provided by Buster Keaton, briefly moonlighting from MGM for his old friend Malcolm St. Clair.


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