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Ramona est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par D. W. Griffith avec Mary Pickford

Ramona (1910)

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Durée 17minutes
Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Romance,    Western
Note58% 2.940142.940142.940142.940142.94014

Ramona est un film muet américain réalisé par D. W. Griffith, sorti en 1910.


Ramona chronicles the romance between Ramona, a Spanish orphan from the prestigious Morneo family, and Alessandro, an Indian who appears on her family's ranch one day. They fall deeply in love, yet their desire to wed is denied by Ramona's stepmother, who reacts by exiling Alessandro from her ranch. He returns to his village, only to find that it has been demolished by white men. Meanwhile, Ramona is informed that she also has "Indian blood", which causes her to abandon everything she has to be with her lover, Alessandro. They marry, and live among the wreckage of Alessandro's devastated village. They don't stay long, however, as the white men come back again and again to force them further from their new home. All of this is too much on Alessandro, and he perishes as Ramona is rescued by Felipe and returned to her family back on the ranch.


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