Ramona is a 1916 American drama film directed by Donald Crisp, based on Helen Hunt Jackson's 1884 novel Ramona. The film is considered to be lost with only reel 5 preserved at the Library of Congress.
The New York Times commended it for "excellent photography, a wealth of picturesque and carefully considered detail, good work by a multitudinous company," but complained that "no very stirring scenario was inspired by the long, uneventful stretches of the novel."
As described in a film magazine, upon insulting the Vandergrafts, leaders of the North Shore Club, Stanley Jordan (Eltinge) is forced out of society. Determined to be near his sweetheart Betty (Vidor), he becomes the Countess Raffelski. He takes the North Shore colony by storm. At many of the social functions valuables have been stolen and the guilty person cannot be found. Suspicion is thrown upon the countess and, to escape all, Stanley spreads the rumor that the countess is dead. He wins Betty and with the money from the stolen jewels he is able to make a large contribution to the Red Cross fund.