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Saptapadi est un film de genre Romance avec Rupini

Saptapadi (1992)

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Durée 2h8
Genres Romance

Saptapadi (Kannada: ಸಪ್ತಪದಿ) (English:Seven Steps) is a 1992 Indian Kannada romantic drama film directed by H. R. Bhargava and based on the novel of the same name by Saisuthe. The film features Ambareesh, Rupini and Sudharani in the lead roles. The film, produced by S. A. Srinivas, was widely appreciated for its songs tuned by Upendra Kumar and lead actors performances upon release.

The film's screenplay, dialogues and lyrics are written by Chi. Udaya Shankar. Cinematography is by B. C. Gowrishankar. It was presented by Rajkumar for Sri Vahini Cine Combines.


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Bluray, DVD

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Source : Wikidata


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