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Shadow of Chinatown est un film américain de genre Science-fiction réalisé par Robert Hill avec Bela Lugosi

Shadow of Chinatown (1936)

Shadow of Chinatown
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Durée 1h11
Réalisé par
Genres Science-fiction,    Horreur,    Policier
Note45% 2.2845952.2845952.2845952.2845952.284595

Shadow of Chinatown is both a film serial and a feature film edited from the serial made by Sam Katzman's Victory Pictures.


A consortium of American businesses are disturbed by the loss of profits due to Chinese businesses located in Chinatowns in the United States. They hire a pair of Eurasians and their criminal organization to eliminate their competition.


Bela Lugosi

(Victor Poten)
Bruce Bennett

(Martin Andrews)
Joan Barclay

(Joan Whiting)
Luana Walters

(Sonya Rokoff)
Charles King

Bande annonce de Shadow of Chinatown

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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