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Sham est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par Thomas N. Heffron avec Ethel Clayton

Sham (1921)

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Durée 50minutes
Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Romance

Sham is a 1921 American silent romantic drama directed by Thomas N. Heffron and starring Ethel Clayton and Theodore Roberts. The film is based on the 1905 play of the same name written by Elmer Harris and Geraldine Bonner, and was adapted for the screen by Douglas Z. Doty.


Based upon a description in a film publication, Katherine Van Riper (Clayton) is an extravagant young society girl who is very much in debt, and her wealthy aunts and uncle refuse to give her any money. Katherine is desperate enough that she is considering marrying the wealthy Montee Buck (Hiers), although she is in love with the westerner Tom Jaffrey (Fillmore), who says he is poor. Finally, Katherine decides to sell the famous Van Riper pearls, pay off her debts, and marry Tom. However, upon examination the jewelry turns out to be paste, with her father having sold the genuine pearls several years earlier before his death. Montee is assured by the aunts that Katherine will marry him and tells this to Tom. Tom is about to leave town when Uncle James (Ricketts) steps in and pays off Katherine's debts, leaving the niece free to marry Tom.


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Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame
Thèmes Adaptation d'une pièce de théâtre
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Le cœur nous trompe, 1h57
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Origine Etats-Unis
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Thèmes Adaptation d'une pièce de théâtre
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Note65% 3.2955553.2955553.2955553.2955553.295555
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The Barker
The Barker (1928)
, 1h20
Réalisé par George Fitzmaurice
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Romance
Thèmes Adaptation d'une pièce de théâtre
Acteurs Milton Sills, Dorothy Mackaill, George Cooper, Betty Compson, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Sylvia Ashton
Note70% 3.5106753.5106753.5106753.5106753.510675
« You'll Hear What You See! Perfect recording of voice and action! » Traduit : Vous entendrez ce que vous verrez ! Un enregistrement parfait des voix et de l'action !