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Shine On Harvest Moon est un film américain de genre Action réalisé par Joseph Kane avec Roy Rogers

Shine On Harvest Moon (1938)

Shine On Harvest Moon
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Durée 57minutes
Réalisé par
Genres Action,    Western
Note63% 3.1854453.1854453.1854453.1854453.185445

Shine On, Harvest Moon is a 1938 American Western film directed by Joseph Kane and starring Roy Rogers and Mary Hart. Written by Jack Natteford, the film is about a son and daughter in the opposing families of a feuding range war who surreptitiously become romantically involved. The supporting cast includes Scott Wiseman and William Farnum.


Roy Rogers

(Roy Rogers)
Lynne Roberts

(Claire Brower)
Stanley Andrews

('Pa' Jackson)
William Farnum

(Milt Brower)
Jack Rockwell

(Foreman Jim Mason)
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