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Silent Witness est un film de genre Drame avec Aaron Kwok

Silent Witness (2013)

Silent Witness
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Durée 2h
Genres Drame,    Policier
Note68% 3.440263.440263.440263.440263.44026

Silent Witness is a 2013 Chinese crime thriller film written and directed by Fei Xing and starring Sun Honglei, Aaron Kwok and Yu Nan.


Tycoon Lin Tai's daughter Lin Mengmeng becomes the murder suspect of his father's fiance Yang Dan. Her defense lawyer Zhou Li and prosecutor Tong Tao gains in-depth understanding through cross examinations in court. Who is actually the murderer of Yang Dan?


Aaron Kwok

(Tong Tao)
Sun Honglei

(Lin Tai)
Yu Nan

(Zhou Li)
Deng Jiajia

(Lin Mengmeng)
Tong Liya

(Li Xiao-Ni)
Bande annonce de Silent Witness

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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