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Silk Hosiery est un film américain de genre Comédie réalisé par Fred Niblo avec Enid Bennett

Silk Hosiery (1920)

Silk Hosiery
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Réalisé par
Genres Comédie

Silk Hosiery est un film muet américain réalisé par Fred Niblo et sorti en 1920.


As summarized in a film publication, Marjorie Bowen (Bennett) is a model who longs for romance and adventure of the story book variety, but never gets further than displaying gowns at an ultra-fashionable clothing shop. Every customer who comes in is buying a gown for a ball thrown by some Prince. Yvette (Pavis), a French woman, comes to order a gown and brings her fiance Sir Leeds (Webb), who immediately attracts Marjorie's attention, but she loses hope after she hears that he is engaged. Marjorie stays alone in the shop to deliver the gown to Yvette and dresses herself in the costume. Some crook business follows in which Yvette and an idler are implicated. Marjorie gets mixed up in it and ends up kidnapped and in a room with Sir Leeds, who tries to explain what happened. They escape and Marjorie impresses the Prince (Ghent) by recovering a note and piece of jewelry that the Prince had indiscreetly given a New York society woman and which he feared would be used against him. Leeds turns out to be a detective. He asks Marjorie to marry him.


Enid Bennett

(Marjorie Bowen)
Donald MacDonald

(Cadwallader Smith)
Otto Hoffman

(Van Twiller)
Yvonne Pavis

(Yvette Fernau)
Joan Standing

(Sophia Black)
Rose Dione

(M Louise)
Bande annonce de Silk Hosiery

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Source : Wikidata


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Suggestions de films similaires à Silk Hosiery

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Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Horreur
Acteurs Enid Bennett, Jack Nelson, Lloyd Hughes, William Conklin, Otto Hoffman
Note70% 3.505943.505943.505943.505943.50594
As described in a film magazine, New York reporter Betsy Thorne (Bennett) travels to the railroad station in a Southern state to investigate a missing man where she overhears a conversation between the sheriff and an imported detective that reporters are barred from the house and grounds where the mystery has taken place. By good fortune she comes across a maid sent to the house from Richmond, and so frightens her that she gains a chance to act in her place. She finds an extraordinary set of affairs at the house, and during the first night is nearly terrified out of her senses when, hiding in the chapel, she sees a ghostly figure come from the grand organ. The house is roused by her screams as she flees the room, and she is forbidden from going back there by the sister of the missing man. During the following night she is locked in her room during a thunderstorm, and while escaping through a window sees the ghostly figure again in the family graveyard. She enlists the aid of an old black man and, both badly scared, make an investigation which starts from a particular chord played at the grand organ. They find that certain keys cause a secret door in the organ to open, revealing a secret passage to a family tomb. There she discovers two expert crooks and solves a mystery that has baffled the detectives, laying bare the scheme to extort a young man accused of the crime whom she has become deeply interested.
Get-Rich-Quick Wallingford
Réalisé par Fred Niblo, W. J. Lincoln
Genres Comédie
Acteurs Enid Bennett, Fred Niblo

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The Law of Men
Réalisé par Fred Niblo
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame
Acteurs Enid Bennett, Niles Welch, Donald MacDonald, Frankie Lee

As described in a film magazine, Laura Dayne (Bennett), an ambitious young sculptress courted by neighboring young artist Denis Connors (Welch), has limited contact with the social world and knows little of the "law of men" and so unsuspicious when decadent architect Jamison Keene (MacDonald) lures her to the Tarrytown Inn one night with a promise to consummate her dream of having her work in a municipal building. Keene had recently had the artist paint a miniature of Mildred Wade (Matthews), the foolish wife of Laura's dear friend Benton Wade (Robson). Laura goes to the Tarrytown Inn and into the trap set for her. Keene uses all of his disarming wiles in vain as Laura puts up such a struggle that the Inn management forces Keene to release her. Overwhelmed by the sense of her own folly, she goes to the artist and tells her story. In fury Denis goes to the Inn, but is ejected by the house detectives for using threatening language. He returns to his rooms and suggests marriage as the only way to protect Laura. She accepts, and just after the ceremony Denis is arrested for the murder of Keene. At the trial Benton Wade, motivated also by his hatred of the spoiler of his own home, makes an impassioned defense of the innocent young man, but fails. Benton then becomes a victim of fear as Laura traces step by step his guilt for the crime and confronts him with the evidence. At the sentencing hearing Benton confesses his guilt and then drinks poison, leaving the young artist and his devoted wife whose intelligence saved him.
What Every Woman Learns, 50minutes
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Based upon a plot summary in a newspaper, Amy (Bennett) is married to a cad but visits another man who loves her and helps her endure her marriage. After a confrontation and struggle between the men which leads to a death, Amy stands accused of the murder.
The False Road
Réalisé par Fred Niblo
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Policier
Acteurs Enid Bennett, Lloyd Hughes, Wade Boteler, Lucille Younge, Edith Yorke
Note57% 2.868092.868092.868092.868092.86809
As described in a film publication, Betty Palmer (Bennett) is in a New York criminal gang. Her sweetheart, Roger Moran (Hughes), completes a two year sentence at Sing Sing and surprises her when he announces at a banquet the gang gives in honor of his return that he is going straight. She refuses to leave her pals in the gang, so he leaves her and finally obtains work at a local bank in a small New England town. Later, the gang leader sends Betty and a confederate to rob the bank. Roger follows them back to New York and, by posing as a backslider, succeeds through Betty in recovering the stolen cash. Betty then abandons the life of crime and marries the man of her heart.