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Soldaterkammerater på bjørnetjeneste est un film danois de genre Guerre réalisé par Carl Ottosen avec Preben Kaas

Soldaterkammerater på bjørnetjeneste (1968)

Soldaterkammerater på bjørnetjeneste
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Durée 1h32
Réalisé par
Genres Guerre,    Comédie
Note49% 2.4682952.4682952.4682952.4682952.468295

Soldaterkammerater på bjørnetjeneste is a 1968 Danish comedy film directed by Carl Ottosen and starring Preben Kaas.


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Il y a 48 films ayant les mêmes acteurs, 5 films avec le même réalisateur, 40626 ayant les mêmes genres cinématographiques (dont 450 ayant exactement les mêmes 2 genres que Soldaterkammerater på bjørnetjeneste), pour avoir au final 70 suggestions de films similaires.

Si vous avez aimé Soldaterkammerater på bjørnetjeneste, vous aimerez sûrement les films similaires suivants :
La terre sera rouge, 1h25
Réalisé par Lau Lauritzen Jr., Bodil Ipsen
Origine Danemark
Genres Drame, Guerre
Thèmes Politique
Acteurs Poul Reichhardt, Preben Kaas, Lisbeth Movin, Per Buckhøj, Lau Lauritzen Jr., Kjeld Jacobsen
Note66% 3.3284053.3284053.3284053.3284053.328405
In German-occupied Denmark during WWII, the young Danish saboteur Michael (Poul Reichhardt) sits in a Gestapo jail and awaits his execution. His thoughts go back to the events that led to his capture. In a meadow in Jutland, Michael and his comrades wait for a British airdrop of weapons and explosives to use for the resistance. Afterward, while in his hideout, Michael is surprised by German soldiers. He shoots his way out and is able to slip free. On a country road, a car driven by a German Field Officer (Arne Hershold) stops. Michael overpowers the officer and shoots him. Dressed in the officer's uniform, Michael is able to reach Copenhagen and find his girlfriend Ruth (Lisbeth Movin) at the hotel where she lives. Toto (Lau Lauritzen), the leader of the resistance group, is waiting for him. They are planning to sabotage a weapons factory. However, there is suspicion that there is an informant in the group, so the plan is delayed. One of the group's members, Dreyer (Freddy Koch), is arrested, so Ruth and Michael flee to her uncle's summer house. Ruth is frightened of losing Michael. She says, If you die, then everything is meaningless - then I'm not a person anymore - and the meadows aren't green anymore -- they are colored the red of your blood. Plans for the sabotage are completed and the group goes into action. But it is revealed that there has been an informant, when the group is surprised by soldiers lying in wait for them. During the firefight, Michael is wounded. However, he is able to blow up the factory before he is captured. Back in the Gestapo jail, the prison guard Steinz (Per Buckhøj) who hates the war and the Nazis, tries to help Michael in small ways, but is unable to prevent his torture. Michal is able to resist during the brutal torture, but he is condemned to death. While in jail, Michael suspects who the informant is and through Steinz gets a message to his comrades: The apple is rotten. A trap is set and Prikken (Preben Neergaard) reveal himself as the informer. There is no other way but to kill him and it is not difficult to find members who will do it. While being driven to his execution, Steinz tells Michael that he has received a message—Steinz's entire family was killed during an Allied aerial bombardment that week. Michael asks Steinz to escape with him. Steinz declines and shoots himself in the car. Michael flees and seeks refuge in a bakery where he is able to contact Toto. Both Michael and Ruth find transport to Sweden where they can finally rest.