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Stormswept est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par Robert Thornby avec Wallace Beery

Stormswept (1923)

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Réalisé par
Genres Drame

Stormswept is a 1923 silent film starring brothers Wallace Beery and Noah Beery. The advertising phrase used for the movie was "Wallace and Noah Beery, The Two Greatest Character Actors on the American Screen". The movie was written by Winifred Dunn from the H. H. Van Loan story, and directed by Robert Thornby. A print of the film survives in London's British Film Institute (BFI).


Wallace Beery

(William McCabe)
Noah Beery Sr.

(Shark Moran)
Virginia Brown Faire

(Ann Reynolds)
Bande annonce de Stormswept

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Source : Wikidata


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