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Strictly Dishonorable est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par John M. Stahl avec Paul Lukas

Strictly Dishonorable (1931)

Strictly Dishonorable
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Durée 1h31
Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Comédie,    Comédie romantique,    Romance
Note59% 2.951812.951812.951812.951812.95181

Strictly Dishonorable is a 1931 romantic comedy film directed by John M. Stahl, starring Paul Lukas, Sidney Fox and Lewis Stone, and featuring George Meeker and Sidney Toler. It was written by Gladys Lehman and based on Preston Sturges' 1929 hit Broadway play of the same name. Strictly Dishonorable was Sturges' second play on Broadway, and his first to be filmed for the silver screen.

As a film made before the advent of the Production Code, the film-makers were able to preserve the cheerfully uninhibited sexual innuendo of the Sturges play in their movie version, which he is said to have unofficially endorsed.

^ Strictly Dishonorable at the Internet Broadway Database



Snubbish, quick-tempered Henry Greene (George Meeker) and his fiancee Isabelle Perry (Sidney Fox) stop into a New York speakeasy owned by Tomasso Antiovi (William Ricciardi) for a drink. There, they meet retired Judge Dempsey (Lewis Stone), an amiable man who befriends the Southern belle, much to Henry's dismay. Famous opera singer "Tino Caraffa", a charming but notorious playboy whose real name is "Gus" Di Ruvo, (Paul Lukas) is there as well, and while Henry is gone to move his illegally parked car, Gus and Isabelle, an opera fan, get acquainted. When Henry returns he's incensed to learn that the two of them have been dancing together. He wants Isabelle to leave with him, but she refuses and breaks off their engagement, returning his ring. Henry tries to get the police to help him force Isabelle to leave, by telling them that she has been "kidnapped by villains", but Judge Dempsey sets them straight, getting Henry arrested and taken away.


Paul Lukas

(Tino Caraffa, aka "Gus" Diruvo)
Sidney Fox

(Isabelle Parry)
Lewis Stone

(Judge Dempsey)
George Meeker

(Henry Greene)
Sidney Toler

Bande annonce de Strictly Dishonorable

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Source : Wikidata


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