Sweepstakes is a 1931 American Pre-Code comedy film directed by Albert S. Rogell from a screenplay written by Lew Lipton and Ralph Murphy. The film stars Eddie Quillan, James Gleason, Marian Nixon, Lew Cody, and Paul Hurst, which centers around the travails and romances of jockey Buddy Doyle, known as the "Whoop-te-doo Kid" for his trademark yell during races. Produced by the newly formed RKO Pathé Pictures, this was the first film Charles R. Rogers would produce for the studio, after he replaced William LeBaron as head of production. The film was released on July 10, 1931, through RKO Radio Pictures.Synopsis
Bud Doyle is a jockey who has discovered the secret to get his favorite mount, Six-Shooter, to boost his performance. If he simply chants the phrase, "Whoop-te-doo", the horse responds with a burst of speed. There is a special bond between the jockey and his mount, but there is increasing tension between Doyle and the horse's owner, Pop Blake (who also raised Doyle), over Doyle's relationship with local singer Babe Ellis. Blake sees Ellis as a distraction prior to the upcoming big race, the Camden Stakes.