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Swing That Cheer est un film américain de genre Comédie réalisé par Harold D. Schuster avec Constance Moore

Swing That Cheer (1938)

Swing That Cheer
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Réalisé par
Genres Comédie,    Musical
Themes La musique,    Sport,    Football américain,    Musique

Swing That Cheer est un film américain réalisé par Harold D. Schuster, sorti en 1938.


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Il y a 221 films ayant les mêmes acteurs, 21 films avec le même réalisateur, 40422 ayant les mêmes genres cinématographiques (dont 2828 ayant exactement les mêmes 2 genres que Swing That Cheer), 10779 films qui ont les mêmes thèmes (dont 5 films qui ont les mêmes 4 thèmes que Swing That Cheer), pour avoir au final 70 suggestions de films similaires.

Si vous avez aimé Swing That Cheer, vous aimerez sûrement les films similaires suivants :
Kid Monk Baroni, 1h19
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Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame
Thèmes Sport, Arts martiaux, La boxe
Acteurs Richard Steven Rauber, Bruce Cabot, Allene Roberts, Mona Knox, Leonard Nimoy, Jack Larson
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From the New York Times: "In the words of its star Leonard Nimoy, Kid Monk Baroni was the sort of film that "made unknowns out of celebrities." The young Nimoy is actually quite good as the title character, a boxer whose misshapen face has earned him the unwelcome nickname "Monk." Formerly an unregenerate street punk, Baroni is set on the proper path by parish priest Father Callahan (Richard Rober). Unfortunately, a run-in with his old gang forces Baroni to skip town. He becomes a professional pugilist under the aegis of manager Hellman (Bruce Cabot), taking out his pent-up frustrations in the ring. Able to afford plastic surgery, Baroni buys himself a handsome new face — and, with it, a dangerously oversized ego. Hoping to protect his new face from harm, Baroni washes out in the boxing ring, but redemption — and a lasting romance with Emily Brooks (Allene Roberts) -- await just around the corner. Kid Monk Baroni was well-directed by Harold Schuster, whose previous efforts included My Friend Flicka and So Dear to My Heart. A flop at the box office, the film did nothing for the career of Leonard Nimoy, who was obliged to spend the next 15 years in relative obscurity before attaining a second chance at big-time stardom with TV's Star Trek.
Youth on Parade
Réalisé par Albert S. Rogell
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie, Musical
Thèmes La musique, Musique
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Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Guerre, Comédie, Musical, Romance
Thèmes La musique, Politique, Musique, Politique
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Double Or Nothing, 1h30
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Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie, Musical, Romance
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