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Tension à Rock City est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par Charles Marquis Warren avec Richard Egan

Tension à Rock City (1956)

Tension à Rock City
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Durée 1h33
Genres Drame,    Western
Note63% 3.1952253.1952253.1952253.1952253.195225

Tension à Rock City (Tension at Table Rock) est un film américain réalisé par Charles Marquis Warren, sorti en 1956.


After killing a man whom many thought was his friend, Wes Tancred is assaulted and immortalized in an uncomplimentary song about one man shooting his best friend in the back, when in fact Wes' friend was reaching for his gun to shoot Wes in the back as he started out the door. Wes leaves town and winds up working as a hostler at a Stagecoach Outpost. He adopts an alias and befriends the father and son that run the outpost. Three outlaws arrive with plans to rob the Stagecoach when it arrives. The Father is killed in a showdown with the three outlaws. Wes kills them and takes the boy to live with his aunt and uncle, who is the Sheriff in Table Rock. A reckless band of herders that are running a cattle drive come to town with revelry and kill a sodbuster. In court there is testimony presented that the murder was self-defense, because the ramrodder had placed a weapon in the victim's hand. Both the Sheriff and Wes are aware of this, however the Sheriff, who was traumatized from a previous beating, states in his report, that it was self-defense. He revises his report when Wes steps forward with testimony to the contrary, challenging him to overcome his fear. Wes shoots down a hired gun that comes to town to kill the Sheriff and the Sheriff, in turn, shoots the man who hires the gunman when he attempts to shoot Wes in the back.


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