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The Beloved Vagabond est un film américain de genre Romance réalisé par Edward José avec Edwin Arden

The Beloved Vagabond (1915)

The Beloved Vagabond
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Réalisé par
Genres Romance

The Beloved Vagabond is a 1915 romantic drama film directed by Edward José and starring Edwin Arden. Originally, prints of the film were hand-colored. Darius Milhaud wrote the music to be played with this silent film.

The film is based on the 1906 novel The Beloved Vagabond by William John Locke. Two other film versions were made in 1923 and in 1936.


The wealthy Gaston de Nerac (Arden) decides to live as a tramp until he falls in love.


Edwin Arden

(Gaston de Nerac / Paragot)
Doc Crane

Florence Deshon
Bande annonce de The Beloved Vagabond

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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