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The Blue Squadron est un film de genre Drame réalisé par George King avec Esmond Knight

The Blue Squadron (1934)

The Blue Squadron
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Durée 1h36
Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Guerre
Themes Transport,    Aviation

The Blue Squadron is a 1934 Anglo-Italian aviation drama film directed by George King and starring Esmond Knight and John Stuart. The film was a co-production between Britain's Teddington Studios (the UK arm of Warner Brothers) and Italy's Pittaluga studios. Although made under quota quickie conditions, the film seems to have enjoyed a rather more generous budget than was the norm with such productions and was able to include convincing location shots in the snowy Italian mountains.

The film deals with two young officers in the Italian Royal Air Force (Knight and Stuart) competing for the hand of the attractive Elena (Greta Hansen) and finding their comradeship under strain as a result. Both try to impress her with daredevil aviation stunts which become increasingly reckless as they try to outdo each other in bravery. Finally, Knight goes too far and crashes his plane on a mountainside. Putting rivalry aside, Stuart courageously risks his own life to save his injured colleague and both realise that their friendship is more important than silly squabbling over a woman. They decide to let Elena make her own choice.

The Blue Squadron is classed by the British Film Institute as a lost film.


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Source : Wikidata


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