The Boys Club is a 1997 crime thriller film directed by John Fawcett, written by Doug Smith (story) and Peter Wellington (writer), and starring Chris Penn, Devon Sawa, Dominic Zamprogna, and Stuart Stone. It was released on VHS in Canada and the USA by Allumination Filmworks, on Laserdisc in the USA by Image Entertainment and on DVD in the USA in 1998 by Simitar Entertainment. It was re released in the USA in 2003 on DVD by Ardustry Home Entertainment. In 2013 it was released by Echo Bridge Home Entertainment on DVD.Synopsis
Trois adolescents d'une petite ville du sud de l'Ontario sont au comble de l'excitation quand Luke Cooper, un mystérieux fugitif américain blessé par balle à la jambe, atterrit dans leur base secrète. Il prétend être un flic en cavale, traqué par ses collègues ripoux, mais peut-on lui faire confiance ?