The Cold Lands is a 2013 drama film directed by Tom Gilroy. It stars Silas Yelich as Atticus Garfield, Lili Taylor as his mother Nicole, and Peter Scanavino as Carter.
The film premiered in February 2013 at the Berlin Film Festival and was screened at various festivals throughout 2013 and 2014.Synopsis
After 11-year-old Atticus Garfield's (Silas Yelich) mother Nichole (Lili Taylor) dies suddenly, Atticus runs away from home to live in the Catskills by himself, surviving on whatever he can find. While dealing with his mother's death and living alone in the wilderness, Atticus encounters a hippie named Carter (Peter Scanavino), who sells necklaces at festivals and lives in his car. The two become dependent on each other, though neither is comfortable with the alliance.