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The Council of Egypt est un film réalisé par Emidio Greco avec Silvio Orlando

The Council of Egypt (2002)

The Council of Egypt
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Note67% 3.3546753.3546753.3546753.3546753.354675

The Council of Egypt (Italian: Il consiglio d'Egitto) is a 2002 Italian drama film directed by Emidio Greco. It is based on the novel with the same name written by Leonardo Sciascia. It premiered at the 2002 Montreal World Film Festival, in which it entered the main competition. The film was awarded with a Nastro d'Argento for best scenography.

^ "Morto Emidio Greco il regista con passione". La Repubblica. 23 December 2012. Retrieved 23 December 2012.

^ AA.VV. Annuario del cinema italiano e audiovisivi. Centro di studi di cultura, promozione e difusione del cinema, 1999.


Silvio Orlando

(Don Giuseppe Vella)
Renato Carpentieri

(Monsignor Ayroldi)
Antonio Catania

(Don Saverio Zarbo)
Marine Delterme

(Countess Regalpetra)
Leopoldo Trieste

(Father Salvatore)
Bande annonce de The Council of Egypt

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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