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The Drayton Case est un film Britannique de genre Policier réalisé par Ken Hughes avec John Le Mesurier

The Drayton Case (1953)

The Drayton Case
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Durée 26minutes
Réalisé par
Genres Policier
Note68% 3.41173.41173.41173.41173.4117

The Drayton Case is a 1953 British short crime film directed by Ken Hughes and starring Edgar Lustgarten, Hilda Barry and John Le Mesurier.

Shown originally as a support feature in cinemas, it became the first of the Scotland Yard TV series.


During the early years of World War II, a bomb from a German airplane uncovers the corpse of a strangled woman. It turns out she was killed by her husband Charles Drayton.


John Le Mesurier

(Divisional Superintendent Henley)
Vincent Ball

(Henley's Assistant)
Bande annonce de The Drayton Case

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Source : Wikidata


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