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The Dub est un film américain de genre Comédie réalisé par James Cruze avec Wallace Reid

The Dub (1919)

The Dub
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Durée 50minutes
Réalisé par
Genres Comédie,    Policier

The Dub is a 1919 American silent comedy film directed by James Cruze and written by Edgar Franklin and Will M. Ritchey. The film stars Wallace Reid, Charles Ogle, Ralph Lewis, Raymond Hatton, Winter Hall and Nina Byron. The film was released on January 19, 1919, by Paramount Pictures.


Wallace Reid

(John Craig (The 'Dub'))
Ralph Lewis

(Frederick Blatch)
Raymond Hatton

(Phineas Driggs)
Charles Ogle

(George Markham)
Winter Hall

(Burley Hadden)
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Si vous avez aimé The Dub, vous aimerez sûrement les films similaires suivants :
You're Fired
Réalisé par James Cruze
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Acteurs Wallace Reid, Wanda Hawley, Theodore Roberts, Raymond Hatton, Herbert Prior

As described in a film magazine, old Gordon Rogers (Roberts) believes in working 18 hour days while Billy (Reid), who is in love with Gordon's daughter Helen (Hawley), does not believe in working at all. The hard-hearted father will accept Billy as a son-in-law on one condition: that he earn his own living for one month and if, during that time, he hears the fatal words "You're fired!" addressed to him, then Helen, sole heiress of the Rogers' millions in gold, can never be his. While this is a terrible test, Billy is game. His first job as a stenographer he resigns at the end of his first day to avoid being fired. Job number two is at a restaurant where he is required to wear the garb of an ancient warrior known to all readers of historical novels as a halberdier, and then pose as a statue on the landing of the stairs. To the restaurant comes fair Helen, her father Gordon, and Tom (Woodward), a young gentleman willing to do anything short of murder the sake of the young lady and her golden prospects. Old Gordon has arranged a merger of a stray railroad he owns with another company, and is fighting Tom's uncle, an unscrupulous financier who has promised his nephew a supply of ready cash if he can obtain the papers for the deal. Tom known that the papers are in a safe at the Old Rogers' home, and hires two experts to open the safe and get the papers. All of these people are meeting at the restaurant. Helen catches sight of Billy in his ancient garb and recognizes him. She tries to find out why he is so dressed, but Bill is sworn to secrecy and dare not tell her. To show her anger she insists that he wait on her party, and is almost fired when he spills soup on her gown. Previously Billy had worked as a xylophone player at a dance where Helen was a guest, and hid behind a false mustache. Her great anger when he would not do as she demanded shows her true love for him. Billy manages to stick out the thirty days without being fired and also obtains the merger papers stolen from the safe, and returns them to Gordon, who hands over his daughter at once.
Thirty Days
Réalisé par James Cruze
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie
Thèmes Adaptation d'une pièce de théâtre
Acteurs Wallace Reid, Wanda Hawley, Charles Ogle, Cyril Chadwick, Herschel Mayall, Helen Dunbar

As described in a film publication, because of his flirtatious tendencies, young and wealthy society man John Floyd (Reid) is put on 30 days probation by his sweetheart Lucille Ledyard (Hawley). She gets him to assist her in settlement work. He ends up soothing Carlotta (Phillips), a young woman in a tough Italian section, when her husband Giacomo Polenta (Mayall) comes home and chases John with a knife. John escapes, but Giacomo, who is wanted by the police, takes a job as a butler in the Floyd home until he has a chance to skip to Italy. Carlotta comes to warn John, but Giacomo sees her and chases her down the street with a carving knife until he is nabbed by a police officer. Judge Hooker (Ogle), a friend of the Floyds, suggests that John seek safety in jail for 30 days until Giacomo leaves for Italy, so John goes and assaults a friend and rival, is arrested, and sent to jail by the judge. In jail he runs into Giacomo but is able to escape him. Giacomo is released, but waits for John outside the prison. Lucille and a friend visit John. When released, John is tied up by some criminals and put on a steamer headed for Italy. In the end, John and Lucille are reconciled.
The Roaring Road
Réalisé par James Cruze
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Drame, Comédie
Acteurs Wallace Reid, Ann Little, Theodore Roberts, Guy Oliver, Gustav von Seyffertitz, Clarence Geldart
Note58% 2.903022.903022.903022.903022.90302
As described in a film magazine, "Toodles" Waldron (Reid), an automobile salesman who works for a sporty old automobile distributor J. D. Ward (Roberts), has racing ambitions and is in love with Ward's daughter Dorothy (Little). The old man does not propose to give her up for five years and overreaches in an attempt to stimulate the young man with feigned complaints. They part company, but Ward is in despair when three racing machines are damaged in a train wreck. Toodles buys the wreckage and assembles one complete car with the aid of his mechanic. With this car Toodles wins an important race, and holds up Ward for an increase in pay. There are just a few days left for a record to be broken between Los Angeles and San Francisco, and after Toodles is arrested for speeding, Ward has him released as part of his plot to break this record. Ward kidnaps his own daughter, and Toodles comes to the rescue and breaks the record, and also wins Dorothy.
The Charm School
Réalisé par James Cruze
Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Comédie, Romance
Acteurs Wallace Reid, Lila Lee, Adele Farrington, Lincoln Stedman, Kate Toncray, Edwin Stevens

As summarized in a film publication, when Mrs. Rolles (Farrington) insists that she will not have Austin Bevans (Reid) as a son-in-law, he insists that she will. But when his aunt dies and leaves Austin a girl's boarding school in her will, Austin gives up his suit of Susie Rolles (Bains) and decides to run the school. Under his aunt's regime the girls studied microbes, etc., but Austin turns it into a charm school where the girls are taught dancing, fencing, and grace in general. Elsie (Lee), one of the students, immediately falls in love with Austin, but he fails to respond. She then tries to vamp him, but when Austin does not fall she tells him directly that she loves him. Elsie's uncle is very interested in the young Austin. When Mrs. Rolles hears of how well he is getting along, she tries to patch things up between Austin and her daughter Susie, and tells Elsie that the two are engaged. While Elsie is brokenhearted, in the end all turns out well for she and Austin.