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The Frontier Trail est un film américain de genre Western réalisé par Scott R. Dunlap avec Harry Carey

The Frontier Trail (1926)

The Frontier Trail
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Réalisé par
Genres Western

The Frontier Trail is a lost 1926 American Western film directed by Scott R. Dunlap and starring Harry Carey.


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Origine Etats-Unis
Genres Western
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Note57% 2.8794952.8794952.8794952.8794952.879495
Cowboy Bob Smith captures notorious outlaw Bob Moore, then learns that Moore's real name is also Bob Smith. Moore convinces Smith to pose as him so that his long-lost sister, who will be arriving to visit him, won't know that her brother is actually an outlaw. Smith agrees, and when the sister arrives, Smith falls for her. Things get even more complicated when he finds out that the outlaw Smith's gang is planning on killing him.