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The Honor of the Force est un film américain réalisé par Frank Griffin avec Raymond McKee

The Honor of the Force (1914)

The Honor of the Force
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Réalisé par

The Honor of the Force is a 1914 American silent comedy film featuring Oliver Hardy. The film was released on 22 September 1913.


A crooked policeman joins Big Tucker's gang of grafters and helps to break into his own captain's house to steal an incriminating paper. The captain interrupts them at work and is stunned in the fight, but a ruse planned meticulously by him results in the thieves being captured.


Raymond McKee

(Gyp, the Dip)
Oliver Hardy

(Fattie (as Babe Hardy))
Bande annonce de The Honor of the Force

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Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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