The House with the Golden Windows is a 1916 American drama silent film directed by George Melford and written by Charles Sarver. The film stars Wallace Reid, Cleo Ridgely, Billy Jacobs, James Neill, Mabel Van Buren and Marjorie Daw. The film was released on August 10, 1916, by Paramount Pictures.Synopsis
The wife of a poor shepard named Sue Wells (Cleo Ridgely) is tired of being poor and takes advantage of a loophole to become owner's of her neighbor's rich estate while her neighbor is gone. However, living in the mansion doesn't make Sue happy. When their neighbor comes home to find out what they've done he kills her husband. Right before he can kill her, she wakes up and realizes it was all a dream. Her husband then walks in and tells her that he got a job as that estate's overseer, so they won't have to worry about money anymore.