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The Immigrant est un film américain de genre Drame réalisé par George Melford avec Valeska Suratt

The Immigrant (1915)

The Immigrant
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Durée 1h
Réalisé par
Genres Drame,    Comédie,    Romance
Note69% 3.4946153.4946153.4946153.4946153.494615

The Immigrant was a 1915 American silent drama film directed by George Melford and starring Valeska Suratt, an actress who specialized in playing vamp roles and who was one of Theda Bara's film rivals. The film is now considered lost.

This was Valeska Suratt's only film away from the Fox Film Studios.


Valeska Suratt

Raymond Hatton

(Munsing - Harding's Secretary)
Ernest Joy
Thomas Meighan

(David Harding)
Theodore Roberts

(J.J. Walton)
Jane Wolfe

Bande annonce de The Immigrant

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Source : Wikidata


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